Friday, September 23, 2011

…and if you see me today, ask me what time it is.

In his 1936 book “How to Win Friends and Influence People,” author Dale Carnegie contended that the greatest human hunger is to be appreciated.  I think he may have also implied that anyone that sincerely learns to satisfy that universal craving will probably have a fairly successful go of it in life.
Sadly, though that nugget was passed onto to me early in life by a man who never finished high-school, I’ve never been able to duplicate, nor even come close to, his ability to make folks feel like they matter. I know my failure to match my father’s skill at doing this has frustrated me, but it’s also made me acutely aware of the people that learned the lesson well…especially those that pull it off with grace and absent any fanfare. This past week, I was on the receiving end of a gesture by someone that has truly mastered making folks feel appreciated.
This week, the IBEW held its convention in Vancouver. It’s the first one I haven’t attended in some time, and though it was tough not to be there, I was up-to-my-eyeballs in work so I didn’t have much time to dwell on it.  Thankfully, a couple of my good friends were able to go, and when one of them returned to the office this past Wednesday, she handed me a box that looked like it probably contained one of those typical little convention mementos.  Then, she told me who it was from.
I opened the box to find a beautiful gold watch, which contained the Vancouver convention insignia on the face. I looked at the back of the watch to see what number it was (they only make so many), and on the back were the engraved words “My Friend.” When I saw those words, I instantly knew my friend had once again satisfied that greatest human hunger.
Over the course of my Walter Mitty life, I have been blessed to meet and get to know a few people that truly mastered the ability to make people feel appreciated…especially when there was absolutely zero motive behind doing so. The person that sent me that watch is the best I’ve even scene at making folks feel appreciated…and it’s easy to see why his life has gone so very well. No matter how hard I try, I know for sure I will never be that good...however, even if it kills me…I swear I’m going to get at least a little better at it.
Today’s song has nothing to do with this story, but I heard it while watching some cerebral show like CNBC’s Squawk Box  (if you think you heard it on Glee earlier this week…trust me…it’s just coincidence) yesterday and it instantly made me smile. It wasn’t so much the music as it was the image I think about instantly every time I hear it. If you start your Friday by listening, you might find yourself smiling…even if you don’t like the song (I don’t particularly like it). If you watch the Youtube video, I have to think you’ll enjoy at least a chuckle.
Have a wonderful Friday and an even better weekend. Whatever you do, I hope you there's more that a moment or two the next few days where someone makes you feel truly appreciated.  

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