Friday, December 14, 2012

...and I need to find some good gifts soon

For more than a few years now, my mom has run a small antique business in the Scandinavian themed city of Solvang, California. The quaint town which was the area that served as much of the setting for the wine movie Sideways, sits inland on California’s famed Highway 101 about 60 miles north of the seaside hamlet of Santa Barbara. Specializing in antique smalls (jewelry, cut glass, china and such), Helen’s Precious Things in the Solvang Antique Center has been a fairly successful small business endeavor. Sure…it’s certainly not Fortune 500 material, but from its modest hobby origins the recreational business had turned into a pretty nice side income. More importantly, the antiques hobby has provided thousands of hours of enjoyment for my mom who at 83, still thoroughly enjoys scouring antique shops, thrift sales and just about any other venue searching for bargain treasures to add to her inventory.

About 15 years ago, when she move her antiques operation from Ojai, California to Solvang, I got the brainstorm that some nifty ink-pens marketing the name of her business (“Helen’s Precious Things”) would make a cool Christmas gift. I was actually referred to a woman named Janie that lived in my area that had just such a business, so when given her number by a colleague I contacted her and placed the order. I remember being somewhat alarmed because Janice seemed a little dense when I gave her the information. I wanted the pens to have the name of the business (Helen’s Precious Things) and the telephone number and address of the Solvang Antique Center. As I recall I ordered about 300 pens…and if I remember correctly the cost of this purchase at the time was somewhere in the neighborhood of $150.00.

At that point in my early 30s, it was more than a little out-of-character for me to be that prepared and to have it together enough to order the pens with enough lead time to arrive ahead of the holiday. I eagerly anticipated receiving the pens knowing my mother would probably be thrilled to have something promoting her business. The package was delivered to my home well-ahead of the specified time, and I remember thinking that Janice was obviously better than I’d initially assessed. I opened the box to look at the forest green and white pens and immediately knew I’d hit a gift home run. They were pretty cool looking, and as I scrutinized them more closely I noticed that Solvang was spelled Solvant…and just to put me further in the holiday spirit, Janice the monumental moron had also managed to muck up the address.

Thankfully, my time going through an electrical apprenticeship and coaching inner-city high school football in rough-n-tumble Los Angeles meant I was fully fluent in both Building and Construction Trades language and general male locker room exchanges. Though I knew the calendar meant there was no time to correct Janice’s galactic blunder in time to save the Christmas gift, I looked forward to calling the idiot and unloading with both barrels. The pen idea had been a rare show of creativity for me, and to have such uncommon gift genius (what does it mean that I had to spellcheck genius?) undone by an idiot that theoretically worked in the pen providing business…well…let’s just say I was looking forward to verbally tearing her a new one.

Well, given that you’re already bored with the story, I won’t make it worse by giving you the profane details of the call. But after her unenthusiastic husband answered the phone and transferred me to Janice (who almost sounded drunk), I clearly conveyed my displeasure with her piss-poor performance. She was profusely apologetic, but I was unrelenting, and because she’d essentially ruined a good gift plan, I really did skewer her. She made some feeble attempt to make it right, but I remember knowing it wouldn’t make much difference and pretty much hung up in disgust. Her mistake had been inexcusable, and her sorry attempt to remedy her unforgivable faux pas was all the more unsatisfying. It was yet another experience that vividly revealed that despite God’s omnipotent power, he (or she) really does see fit to routinely literally waste humane flesh.

About a week and a half later, on about the 23rd I called Janice back to get some idea of when my next shipment of screwed up pens might show. Her nitwit husband again picked up the phone with the enthusiasm and clarity of someone undergoing a root canal and when I asked to speak to his wife, his voice kind of cracked and he said she had passed away about a week ago. She had been very sick for a long time, but that now “she’s finally done suffering.” I said that is all well and good, but that I had a pen order and needed to check the status of my delivery. Actually, I capable of some amazingly stupid behavior, but that’s not really what I said. I feebly offered my condolences and hurried to get off the uncomfortable call as quickly as possible.

Thankfully I don’t remember thinking much about being out $150 clams and having 300 useless pens (actually, they still provided a useful writing utensil). I remember being horrified by the way I treated this woman, and haunted by the fact that her medical condition surely contributed to the incorrect order. I remember feeling horrible about the awful things I said to her…just days before she passed away. I remembered too that she never fired back, took the high road, apologized and never complained about her illness or cited it as an excuse for the mix up.

Sometime in the forenoon on Christmas Eve, there was a knock on the door from a UPS man. He handed me a small rush package and inside the box were 600 (a double order) perfectly stenciled pens with Helen’s Precious Things and the correct address and phone number. There was also a check for a full refund made out to me for the first order and a handwritten note of apology from Janice for the mistake and any inconvenience caused me. Putting the time-lime together, she appeared to have taking care of all of this the day before she passed away.

You never know what somebody is going through or how long they’ll be around. You might just want to treat them a little better…or at least think about doing so.

Hope you have a tremendous holiday weekend. Remember to do something relaxing and fun, and to hug the people and pets that you love…and maybe even a few that you don’t.   
Sorry for all the typos, misspellings, bad writing and poor grammar.

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