Friday, November 9, 2012

...and it's nice to have a little wind at your back

After pretty much dodging a bullet with hurricane Sandy, the DC area also fully avoided the nor'easter that followed on the super storm's heels just about a week later. Though the second storm slammed areas of the northeast with as much as a foot of snow, all we seemed to get here in the District were some clouds, some late night flurries and a bit of wind.

I was hoping to see least a dusting of the white stuff when I headed out the front door at 3:58am for my Thursday morning run, but the only remnants of the nor'easter in Cleveland Park were some water beads on a few cars (the four in the neighborhood that were waxed) and about a 15mph stiff wind coming out of the north west. The breeze didn't seem like much of a factor when I started running east toward Connecticut avenue, but when I hit the major artery on the corner of Yuma and turned headfirst into the wind north on Connecticut, I realized the gusts were pretty formidable and cold enough (at least for early November) to immediately blow away any lingering effects of Wednesday night's red wine.

Exercising used to be fun for me...but now that I'm on the backside of fifty, it pretty much just hurts. In light of the rapid physical deterioration, I'm usually pretty content to use any weather-related obstacle like wind as an excuse to ease up...especially when I'm running. It just feels better when I don't have to push so hard. But something was different about Thursday.

I'm guessing it could have been the fact that I was still riding high from the election outcome, but for some reason I resisted the usual temptation to just cruise and pretty much pushed myself against the wind uphill on Connecticut toward Chevy Chase. When I turned left on Nebraska Ave the breeze became less of factor, and by the time I turned left again on Wisconsin, the northwest wind was squarely at my back. After fighting the headwind for more than half the run, it felt good to have the push at my back. I just kind of took long strides moving southeast on Wisconsin...and though I was clearly moving at a good didn't seem to be too taxing.

When I turned back into the wind heading north on 37th street toward the house for the last quarter mile, it would have been easy to let up. However after having the wind at my back for a while, the gusts in my face now felt more invigorating than anything...and I pushed harder before kicking it into high gear for the last few blocks.

If you believe in the power of a strong middle class, the virtues of equity, fairness and justice for all Americans and if you think diversity is a strength and not a weakness, this past Tuesday was a good day. It wasn't a landslide, or even close to the mandate that many of the spinsters are trying to imply, but it was a clear repudiation of extremism and a good night for people that work for a living. For progressives, there's been a fair amount of headwind for way too long. But now...thanks to a few million folks that pulled the right lever...the wind is at our back for a while. It won't likely last forever, or even for more than maybe a couple of strides. However it would be good to enjoy the fruits of victory, and to reap the replenishing benefits that can only come from a wind-aided run.  We're going to need to be rested for the next test, so let's enjoy this outcome and replenish our resources in hopes we can keep this going for a while.
You can start by having a good extended weekend. If you can, spend at least a minute to think about the men and women that served this country so we all have the right to cast a vote.

Have a good Veteran's Day weekend.

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